To me, “be your best” means making sure that everyone that enters foundation fitness feels the passion we have for fitness and helping people in every way we can.
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- Address10387 Main Street LL2, Fairfax, VA 22030
How long have you been working at Foundation Fitness? I have been working at Foundation Fitness for 8 years.
What makes your location unique? We try and make working-out as enjoyable as possible while working hard to help our clients achieve their goals
What does it mean to BE YOUR BEST? To me, “Be Your Best” means making sure that everyone that enters Foundation Fitness feels the passion we have for fitness and helping people in every way we can.
What is your FOUNDATION? My FOUNDATION is the pride I see in every one of my clients faces when they achieve a goal or do something that they never thought was possible. It changes people’s lives for the better, and to see the transformation take place, to see someone gain confidence as they lose weight, to see the pride at a higher weight lifted or the relief to be able to move pain free again, to see them grow to love exercise and how that changes their entire lives is the most rewarding thing about being a personal trainer.